Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Luau Anniversary Cake

If you type in Luau cakes in Google Images - my Flip Flop cake is on the 1st page (pretty cool, eh?). That is how this customer found me. He ordered this cake for an anniversary party. It is iced in buttercream. The waterfall is a strip if marshmallow fondant that I had not completely mixed the color into, creating the marbleized look. I made the rest of the decorations with fondant also. When I dropped off the cake, the couple's daughters said how much the little man looked liked their dad.


  1. Thanks Jen for yet another awesome cake...and for performing surgery to repair Audrey's finger holes. She was a little too excited about the cake. All the kids loved the cake and so did I!! Next time I will try to choose a less aggravating design.

  2. Oops...that was me, not Jay leaving the comment!

  3. Jen,

    The Luau Anniversary Cake is the one I ordered with the girls for the parents anniversary. They loved it, I loved it, the guests loved it and I keep a picure on my blackberry. I showed it to the people today at Trendsetters (where I get my hair cut) and all the girls loved it and asked for your contact information.

    Thanks again for such a great cake.

  4. Ms.Cakes we are the one's you made the Luau Cake for It was great so now i got something for you to think about my daughter is turning 15 next here we call them quincenera's well her them is Masquerade not sure of the colors but we need it for like 125 people need a quote please email me @ roskitchen@gmail.com my name is Rosanne
